
  • ofxGpuParticles
    openFrameworks addon to aid creating particle systems in GLSL. (111 watchers)

  • ofxCorkCsg
    A constructive solid geometry (mesh boolean) addon for openFrameworks. (48 watchers)

  • ofxNearestNeighbour
    A templated k-d tree nearest neighbour search addon for openFrameworks based on nanoflann. (46 watchers)

  • ofxMovieExporter
    Addon to capture and encode video straight from OF applications based on libav. (35 watchers)

  • musicalmachines
    This is the code for the talk I gave at FITC entitled Musical Machines and Flapping Phones. (10 watchers)

  • ofxHalfEdgeMesh
    Half Edge data structure for openFrameworks. (9 watchers)

  • ofxKinectSdk
    Lightweight Kinect SDK wrapper (6 watchers)

  • ofxDelaunay
    efficient triangule fill given a set of points (3 watchers)

  • ofxLibRocket
    html & css styling for openFrameworks (3 watchers)

  • ofxAruco
    openFrameworks addon for marker based AR using ArUco: (2 watchers)

  • ofxMask
    (2 watchers)

  • ofxARKit
    A starting point for openFramworks and ARKit experimenting. (1 watcher)

  • ofxACNSender
    Simple sACN sender for openFrameworks. (1 watcher)

  • ofxMIOFlowGLSL
    UPDATED FOR GL3. // Optical Flow GPU Version - based upon Andrew Benson's solution (1 watcher)

  • ofxCurvedPoly
    (1 watcher)

  • ofxLiquidFun
    openFrameworks wrapper for LiquidFun. (1 watcher)

  • Marlin
    Optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. (0 watchers)

  • ofxAsio
    A library for straightforward asynchronous networking in C++, designed for openframeworks users. Implemented as a wrapper for ASIO without Boost. (0 watchers)

  • ofSite
    openFrameworks web site (0 watchers)

  • ofxBeckhoffADS
    (0 watchers)

  • ofxImGui
    Use ImGui in openFrameworks (0 watchers)

  • ofxFBX
    FBX SDK addon for OpenFrameworks (0 watchers)

  • ofxBox2d
    Openframework wrapper for box2d (0 watchers)

  • ofxFastFboReader
    Read pixel data using PBO (0 watchers)

  • ofxFaceTracker2
    Landmark detection addon for openFrameworks using DLIB (0 watchers)

  • ofxBt
    a simple wrapper for Bullet Physics Library. (0 watchers)

  • libwebsockets
    canonical websocket library (0 watchers)

  • ofxCMake
    CMake build system for openFrameworks. Usage of the CLion IDE is possible (0 watchers)

  • ofxCv
    Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks. (0 watchers)

  • FlexIO_t4
    Teensy 4 beta - WIP Flex IO support including Serial (0 watchers)

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