openFrameworks addon to aid creating particle systems in GLSL. (111 watchers)ofxCorkCsg
A constructive solid geometry (mesh boolean) addon for openFrameworks. (48 watchers)ofxNearestNeighbour
A templated k-d tree nearest neighbour search addon for openFrameworks based on nanoflann. (46 watchers)ofxMovieExporter
Addon to capture and encode video straight from OF applications based on libav. (35 watchers)musicalmachines
This is the code for the talk I gave at FITC entitled Musical Machines and Flapping Phones. (10 watchers)ofxHalfEdgeMesh
Half Edge data structure for openFrameworks. (9 watchers)ofxKinectSdk
Lightweight Kinect SDK wrapper (6 watchers)ofxDelaunay
efficient triangule fill given a set of points (3 watchers)ofxLibRocket
html & css styling for openFrameworks (3 watchers)ofxAruco
openFrameworks addon for marker based AR using ArUco: www.uco.es/investiga/grupos/ava/node/26 (2 watchers)ofxMask
(2 watchers)ofxARKit
A starting point for openFramworks and ARKit experimenting. (1 watcher)ofxACNSender
Simple sACN sender for openFrameworks. (1 watcher)ofxMIOFlowGLSL
UPDATED FOR GL3. // Optical Flow GPU Version - based upon Andrew Benson's solution (1 watcher)ofxCurvedPoly
(1 watcher)ofxLiquidFun
openFrameworks wrapper for LiquidFun. (1 watcher)Marlin
Optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. (0 watchers)ofxAsio
A library for straightforward asynchronous networking in C++, designed for openframeworks users. Implemented as a wrapper for ASIO without Boost. (0 watchers)ofSite
openFrameworks web site (0 watchers)ofxBeckhoffADS
(0 watchers)ofxImGui
Use ImGui in openFrameworks (0 watchers)ofxFBX
FBX SDK addon for OpenFrameworks (0 watchers)ofxBox2d
Openframework wrapper for box2d (0 watchers)ofxFastFboReader
Read pixel data using PBO (0 watchers)ofxFaceTracker2
Landmark detection addon for openFrameworks using DLIB (0 watchers)ofxBt
a simple wrapper for Bullet Physics Library. (0 watchers)libwebsockets
canonical libwebsockets.org websocket library (0 watchers)ofxCMake
CMake build system for openFrameworks. Usage of the CLion IDE is possible (0 watchers)ofxCv
Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks. (0 watchers)FlexIO_t4
Teensy 4 beta - WIP Flex IO support including Serial (0 watchers)

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