ofxCorkCsg Addon for openFrameworks
ofxCorkCsg is a constructive solid geometry (mesh boolean) addon for openFrameworks v0.10+ based on this fork of the Cork library. It supports union, difference, intersection and symmetric difference. It also includes various utility functions for creating meshes that will work with the library. More info and source code can be found on its github ...

Two sets of robot birds have flown the nest recently. The Barbican have commissioned a new flock of birds, pictured above. This piece is on display at their awesome Digital Revolution exhibition which is on until 14th September. The parrot has gone back to his native homeland of Brazil for an exhibition called Gambiologos 2.0 organised by the Gambiologia Collective. The exhibition explores work that improvise with found objects, code and electronics. There's a little more on Gambiologia here and here. The exhibition is at Oi Futuro in Belo Horizonte until 17th ...

ofxRules Addon for openFrameworks
ofxRules /o əfɛkts rulz/ 1. abbreviation Polite form of openFrameworksFreakinRulesDooood 2. noun ofxRules - https://github.com/neilmendoza/ofxRules - is an addon for openFrameworks for generatively creating 3D meshes based on sets of rules (normally contained within XML files). Using this approach it is quick to create complex organic looking 3D objects with a small amount of instructions. Addon features include the ability to live code rules files, easy extensibility of the XML parser with custom actions and the ability to create rules programmatically. It's inspired by Structure Synth and Philip Rideout's Mesh Generation with Python. The addon works ...

Projector Field of View Calculator
When writing software for projection mapping it's sometimes useful to know the field of view of a projector. Projector manuals don't normally include this data so you need to do a bit of simple trig to calculate them. I've had to do this a few times so decided to throw it into a Google spreadsheet. To use it, first make a copy of the spreadsheet so you can edit it by going to File -> Make a copy... then enter the horizontal resolution, vertical resolution, screen size and projection distance ...

FITC Amsterdam, Tokyo and Toronto
I've been invited to speak at FITC Tokyo, Amsterdam and Toronto. There are lots of really awesome people speaking including Hal Lasko, Sougwen Chung, Daito Manabe, GMUNK, Sara Blake, Field, Kyle McDonald and Stefan Sagmeister to name just a handful, so if you're looking for some inspiration, then it's definitely worth coming along. You can see a little interview I did for FITC recently here. Hopefully see you ...

Kinetica at the East London Design Show and BL-NK
Genetically Modified #1: A glimpse into what a genetically engineered future might look like. If you're at a loose end this weekend and looking for some interesting Christmas gifts, Kinetica will be exhibiting at the East London Design Show, which this year takes place at Truman Brewery. There will be works from artists including including Zac Greening, Julio Campos, Madi Boyd and Balint Bolygo. I'll also have some some limited edition prints of Genetically Modified #1 for sale there. Also, Kinetica are partnering with the stunning new BL-NK space in Shoreditch and Escape II is being exhibited there at the moment. On the ...

Realtime Rap Explosion
https://vimeo.com/66146790 This is a little realtime graphics experiment written in OpenFrameworks. The particles are cube meshes (with the FX that I applied in the end a billboard texture may have worked better) that are updated on the GPU with GLSL based on Kinect data, audio data and a force field. Depth of field, bloom and anti-aliasing are then applied using ...

Spring Sessions 2013
I've been invited to speak at the Spring Sessions 2013 part of the Spring Festival in Graz, Austria. Looks to be a great few days of talks and music. Full line up for the conference is here: ...

GLSL rotation about an arbitrary axis
A quick trip to the Great Oracle of Geekiness (Google) left me empty-handed so here's a function that gives you a rotation matrix in ...

ofxPostProcessing addon for openFrameworks
http://vimeo.com/56911369 I've recently been working on a tool for creating realtime visuals for music events. More details to follow soon about that, but for now I wanted to release the post processing framework that I created for it. ofxPostProcessing is an openFrameworks addon that gives you an easy way of putting together a chain of GLSL shaders. At the moment, it comes with the following effects (some ported from other sources and some original) that I'll gradually add to over time: Bloom Convolution (Blur) Depth of field (with bokeh) Depth of field alternative (more features ...
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